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World Water Week

22 August 2024

World Water Week has been a key annual conference addressing global water challenges, since 1991. The non-profit event has been collaboratively organised with top organisations, attracting a diverse group of participants from various professional backgrounds worldwide. It is set to be celebrated from 23-27 August. The event aims to find solutions to critical water-related issues like food security, health, agriculture, technology, biodiversity, and the climate crisis.

The theme for 2024 is Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future. Focusing on water cooperation as a means to achieve peace and security in both regional and global contexts, this theme urges us to embrace the interconnectedness of communities and nations. It highlights the importance of collaborative efforts in forging a peaceful and sustainable future. Key messages for World Water Week 2024 include:

Water Week Key Messages 

Water's Impact on Peace

Water can either promote peace or lead to conflicts. Issues like scarcity, pollution, and unequal water access can escalate tensions within communities and nations. Despite over 3 billion people relying on water crossing borders, only 24 countries have cooperation agreements on shared water sources. Given the effects of climate change and population growth, global cooperation is crucial to safeguarding this vital resource. Public health, prosperity, food and energy systems, economic productivity, and environmental sustainability are all linked to effective water management.

Spreading Positivity

Collaborative actions concerning water can create a positive impact, fostering harmony, prosperity, and resilience to common challenges.


It's important to acknowledge that water is not just a resource for use or dispute; it's a basic human right fundamental to all aspects of life. By implementing systems that make water available to all communities, we have already taken a step towards creating a better quality of life and a more sustainable future. Contact us for more information on how Kestrel can assist with providing water to communities without reliable access to water.